Grand Valley , Tiffin, Ferris state , SVSU , Eastern Michigan
Colleges that have shown you interest:
None yet.
I work hard every play, and I’m a winner, I do what it takes to make plays happen when I’m needed . Whether it’s blocking a field goal or stopping a run on a big 3rd and short I’m your guy.
How I play the game:
I’m a smart player , I can read the man in front of me and know where the play is going by the way he fires off the ball. I can also hit pretty hard .
Outlook on High School Football and it's experiences:
I love high school football, our team is a brother hood and we work together to make things happen. I’m looking forward to the playoffs this year and going into my senior year .
Discuss the potential opportunity of playing on the next level:
Playing football in college has always been a dream of mine , I’ve loved the sport ever since I can remember .