Lake Orion 2018 LB/TE Sam Kinne talks offer from Brown

Written by
Jeff Corrion
Photo Credit
Jeff Corrion

Lake Orion 2018 MLB/TE Sam Kinne received his 4th overall offer on Tuesday afternoon from Brown University.

The FCS program in Rhode Island previously hosted one of Oakland Counties top Linebacker prospects over the 2017 summer and extended an offer today to Kinne.

Kinne was able to comment on the offer from Brown, "When I visited Brown this summer. I met with Coach McGrath, he was eager to show me around and tell me everything I needed to know about Brown and their football program. He also told me of how much he trusted and respected Coach Estes, so much so that he he sent his son to play for Brown. That showed me the value of Brown football! To receive an offer from Brown has proven to me that my hard work in the classroom and on the field is starting to payoff!"

Graduation Year